Webinar Bridging the gap: Widening countries in the EU Manufacturing R&I landscape
On the 12th of December, EFFRA is hosting a webinar with the objective of discussing the good practices and the challenges in the context of the widening countries’ access to and possibilities to valorize the EU funded opportunities in Manufacturing R&I. This will be an opportunity for our members to explore together with the speakers and the participants the solutions and approaches that work / would work in this sense. Full agenda below:
Registrations for the webinar are now open here.
10:00 - 10:05: Intro on EFFRA and the event’s objective
- Željko Pazin & Cornelia Amihalachioae, EFFRA office
10:05 – 10:30: Practical lessons learned from two Hop-On Facility rounds
- Lina Smovziuk, Senior Consultant, Intelligentsia Consultants
- Petr Pracna, NCP for Horizon Europe, Cluster 4; Technology Centre Prague, Czech Republic
10:30 – 10:45: Peripheral View on the Horizon Europe
Donatas Gendvilas, CEO and founder of the company „Adscensus“, Lithuania
10:45 – 11:00: Factories of the future. Are we there yet?
- Skirmatė Balažentienė, company „MetSolar“, Lithuania
11:00 – 11:15: Slovenian SRIP experience with research internationalization in the field of Factories of Future
- Rudi Panjtar, COO, Competence center for advanced control technologies, Ljubljana, Slovenia
11:15 – 11:30: INEVITABLE Project, H2020 – fully digitalized monitoring technology for optimized and improved performance of manufacturing processes
- Dr. Miha Glavan, Phd, Research Project Manager, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
11:30 – 11:55: Understanding Hop-on and other Widening instruments. How to avoid obstacles?
- Dr. Karina Barantseva and Adam Głuszuk, National Contact Point experts, Poland
11:55 – 12:00: Q&A
- European Commission representative
- Tomas Garuolis, director of the department of Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists
- prof. dr. Niko Herakovič, Head of LASIM laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- Monika Slezak and Dominika Baginska-Chyłek, Industry Contact Point Coordinators, Poland
By registering to this event, you submit your information to EFFRA, who will use it to communicate with you regarding this event and their other services.