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Institut Mines-Telecom

Institut Mines-Télécom (IMT) is a public institution dedicated to higher education and research, under the aegis of the Ministries for Industry and Digital Technologies, working on a broad spectrum of themes and with extensive geographical coverage to boost innovation policies. Always attentive to the economic world, it combines strong academic legitimacy, close corporate relations and a unique focus on key transformations of the 21st century in Digital Technologies, Production, Energy and Ecology. Its activities are conducted in 8 engineering schools and 1 business school: IMT Atlantique Bretagne-Pays de la Loire, IMT Lille Douai, Mines Albi, Mines Alès, Mines Saint-Étienne, Télécom ParisTech, Télécom École de Management et Télécom SudParis, as well as one subsidiary school: Eurecom. It has close relations with three strategic partners, Armines, Mines Nancy and Mines ParisTech. Finally, 13 “IMT Associate Schools” complete the overall organization.


The IMT’s schools rank among the leading graduate schools in France. Their activities geared towards the main economic players and including training for engineers and managers, Masters and PhD courses, research and innovation, are recognized nationally and internationally for their excellence. IMT plays an active role in national research programming alliances. The quality and intensity of its research partnerships have also been rewarded by two Institut Carnot labels in 2006, renewed in 2011. Each year, some one hundred start-ups come out of the schools’ incubators.