EFFRA & EIT Manufacturing join forces

The two organisations will sign a formal collaboration agreement on the 27th of October at a high-level event in Brussels, that will launch the already started collaboration. This Cooperation Agreement signals an important milestone, further to which stakeholders of the initiatives from two different pillars, Made in Europe (Pillar 2) and EIT Manufacturing (Pillar 3), will work together for achieving the common goals: ensuring global competitiveness, sustainability and growth of European manufacturing.

Please see the press release -  here

As a first step, EFFRA and EIT Manufacturing are launching a joint call to identify the most promising Factories of the Future projects. More information will come up soon. 

The objectives of these joint efforts are:

  • To create and promote a competitive and sustainable manufacturing
  • To develop new and innovative production technologies. 
  • To drive the transition to a climate-neutral and sustainable circular economy, as well as to follow the path to a more digital future.

EFFRA Chairman, Joaquim Menezes underlines the importance of joining forces for addressing the manufacturing challenges:

As manufacturing is at the core of the European economy, it will be a key driver of the twin transitions. Joining forces, EFFRA and EITM will pave the way towards a more competitive, sustainable, and digitalised industry. The collaboration between EFFRA and EITM will upscale the research and innovation process, advancing the global leadership of Europe’s manufacturing community “

More initiatives are coming up - stay tuned!