Facts4Workers Receives Positive Second Review

Facts4Workers received a positive review at the conclusion of its recent second technical review meeting. The project reviewer stated that the progress achieved to date is considerable and that there has been a visible improvement since the first technical review meeting.

The review meeting focused on showcasing the prototype solution for the Hidria Dieseltec industrial use case: application of a modern IT interface that can be applied to the diesel glow plug assembly lines – developed by one of the project partners Hidria Technology Centre. The application provides maintenance workers with the necessary data on stoppages, breakages and other problems that might occur 24/7 as well as providing them with the necessary instructions and tips on solving the issue in a fast and rational manner.

The Facts4Workers project’s implementation scope ranges from automotive, industrial appliance and plastics to tooling and steel industries. All of the use cases will receive their first prototype solutions by early autumn this year.

Facts4Workers also recently published an introductory video providing an overview of the aims of the project.

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